Matia Bazar bookings
Are you interested in booking Matia Bazar for an event or festival? Please contact us for further information. We are happy to advise you about options and possibilities.
Who are Matia Bazar
Matia Bazar was founded by Aldo Stilita in Genoa in 1975. Their first performances were in small student clubs, and in the middle of 1975 they relocated to Milan. Antonella Ruggiero, a student at the Academy of Fine Arts, joined the band, and the core of Matia Bazar was established. The band released their first single ‘Stasera Che Sera’ soon afterward.
Their next big break came with the 1978 Festival di San Remo, where their song ‘E Dirsi Ciao’ won an award. The festival gave the band their first international audiences and helping to establish them in Europe, the United States, and Mexico. In 1979 they completed their first tour of Europe and South America. Matia Bazar also won an honorable mention for their song ‘Raggio di Luna’ at the Eurovision Song Contest.
Piero Cassano left in the early 80’s and was replaced by Sergio Cossu. He helped push the band into a new electronic phase of their career. Every aspect of their sound became electronic, with the exception of Antonella Ruggiero’s vocals. Their music ranged from the sounds that were gracing the discotheques of the time to “tango rock”, the label that the German magazine Stern applied to their music. Matia Bazar released albums and singles at a dizzying pace up through the mid-80’s. They were recording during the autumn and winter, releasing in the spring, and touring in the summer, every year.
The release of ‘Mel’o’ in 1986 marked the end of Matia Bazar’s electronic era. After ‘Red Corner’ in 1988, Antonella Ruggiero left and Matia Bazar went on hiatus until 1991. They changed labels and hired a new vocalist, Laura Valente. She also proved to be a skilled pianist and guitarist and made a major contribution to the band’s new sound. 1997 brought a successful album, ‘Benvenuti a Sausalito’.
In 1998 founding member Aldo Stilita left the group because of a long illness. Matia Bazar regrouped and in 1999 they signed a new recording contract with group members Piero Cassano, Silvia Midnight, Giancarlo Golzi, and Fabio Perversi.